
Fresh portfolio of designs that will keep you wanting more.
- Sunday, 20 January 2013

Linocut: Harris Manchester College, Oxford

Despite being one of the smallest and youngest of the colleges of Oxford University, Harris-Manchester is one of only five currently to have an artist in residence. While older, wealthier colleges have large art collections assembled over many centuries, Harris Manchester is actively supporting and exhibiting the work of its resident artist.  The linocut above, by Robin shows the chapel, main quad and Principal's lodgings of the college, which was originally founded in 1757 as the Warrington Academy and was incorporated as the thirty-seventh college of the University of Oxford in 1996.

To start the exhibitions in college during 2013, the main quad contains a small selection of linocuts and woodcuts from the Wytham Exhibition, which has now finished at the Natural History Museum.  On March 14th I will open a show of architectural linocuts (of which the example above is one) with my invited guests Tim Wilson and Necati Zontul whose architectural drawings are used as backdrops in animated films.  Following that, in May, I will be hosting a linocut show for five British artists including myself: Rosie Fairfax-Cholmeley, Sarah Wheeler, Ian Phillips and Laura Boswell, who will be filling the college with their pictures during the Oxfordshire Artweeks period.

For more details about the forthcoming exhibtions email me at: robin.wilson@hmc.ox.ac.uk

For more about the college, see the website: www.hmc.ox.ac.uk

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Albuquerque, New Mexico, 00000.




Monday - Thursday: 10am - 6pm
Friday: People work on Fridays now?
Saturday - Sunday: Best not to ask.