
Fresh portfolio of designs that will keep you wanting more.
- Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Exhibition: Oxford Jam Factory (Sept 25 - Nov 5)

Robin & Rosie at the Jam Factory, Oxford
During the time we were in Romania, The Tube Gallery installed an exhibition at Oxford's Jam Factory  entitled: Wild Britain.  That show featured a mix of British wildlife artists, and we put in about six of our recent images from Wytham Woods.  Yesterday that show came down and we installed a solo show in the same space (a strange coincidence) - this time featuring some of new Scilly Isles images taken from the recent summer fieldwork on St. Martin's, some newer work from the Wytham Studio, and one or two images from our Lycian travels last summer.

The Jam Factory Exhibition is open between Sept 25 and Nov 5. Its free, and there are three other exhibitions by other contemporary artists in different parts of the building.  Also the coffee and cakes are both excellent.

Link to Image Gallery Here:
Jam Factory Opening

Let’s Talk Business.


000 Negra Arroyo Lane
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 00000.




Monday - Thursday: 10am - 6pm
Friday: People work on Fridays now?
Saturday - Sunday: Best not to ask.