
Fresh portfolio of designs that will keep you wanting more.
- Saturday, 6 February 2016


Since we started the Oxford Anagama Project in 2014, there has been a progressive accumulation of documentary material in a variety of media formats designed for a range of audiences.  We have generated material internally as 'a project' collectively and as individuals within the project.  Some of this is for the purposes of record keeping and anthropological research, other of it is intended for non-project consumption: by which I mean it is for the wider University, the general public, or the pottery/ceramics community, some of whom participate in or have influence over the project. 

Further material is generated by the research component of the kiln project, which includes clay chemistry data, kiln temperature data, loading and firing data, as well as films, audio recording, still images and art works. 

Further material is produced about us by others and for others, sometimes in collaboration with one or other of the project members, for the public media - films, TV, newspapers, blogs, social media and radio.  I shall attempt to catalogue what I can find of this in the references section of this Blog, but if you have any material I have missed or of which I was unaware, please do point it out by contacting me directly: robin.wilson@admin.ox.ac.uk   

Images from http://www.thelogbook.net/index.html article by R.A.Wilson (2016): Oxford Anagama, The Log Book, 64, January, 2-7.

Let’s Talk Business.


000 Negra Arroyo Lane
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 00000.




Monday - Thursday: 10am - 6pm
Friday: People work on Fridays now?
Saturday - Sunday: Best not to ask.