
Fresh portfolio of designs that will keep you wanting more.
- Monday, 9 May 2011

Broughton Castle

Broughton Castle: The Crowded Skies Linocut 550mm x 400mm
Robin Wilson (2011)
The Broughton linocut I've reported on earlier has turned out exactly as I was intending. This captures the end of a hot day with the Canada geese in the air, taking off and landing on the moat, which is mostly glassy smooth except for a ripple of wind disturbing the surface on the side nearest the house.  My initial sketch was a broader panorama, which I've compressed slightly in order to accommodate the spire of St. Mary the Virgin, which is reality sits slightly further from the gatehouse.

Let’s Talk Business.


000 Negra Arroyo Lane
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 00000.




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