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- Wednesday, 14 July 2010

The Most Lamentable Comedy (2009) Robin Wilson

The Most Lamentable Comedy and Most Cruel Rhyming Account of A Journey to France

(Sold Out)

This is a limited edition, hand-bound book written by Robin and Illustrated by Rosie. Although we haven't hand-set the type for letterpress in this edition, the design of the text and illustrations would lend itself to that process. This is a humorous account written for performance by the notorious art historian and arch-eccentric, Dr. David Cross, of Carlisle. For those who revel in a good pun (oxymoron), this is a treat: for those who find such things an abomination, then you are lucky that this edition has completely sold out. This is either a reflection of the Great British Pun Revival, or the limited number of editions which we produced. I am reliably informed that given the slightest provocation, Dr. Cross is willing to recite this work in part or whole. The numbers of afflicted residents of the Lake District grows apace. One can only offer commiserations:

At various moments, Dr. Cross erupted,
With Flanders and Swann, slightly flat,
And corrupted.

...and so on.

Let’s Talk Business.


000 Negra Arroyo Lane
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 00000.




Monday - Thursday: 10am - 6pm
Friday: People work on Fridays now?
Saturday - Sunday: Best not to ask.