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- Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Wolf (2010) by Rosie Fairfax-Cholmeley

Wolf: An illustrated book for Children

This short illustrated poem recounts the tale of a solitary wolf and his journey. It is suitable for all age groups, but being illustrated, it lends itself to reading aloud and to sharing the book, passing it around to see the lovely tiny pen and ink drawings which fill the book.  This is a simply bound volume, which recalls the Dent & Sons editions of Dylan Thomas printed in the early 1970's and illustrated by lino-cuts, woodblocks and ink drawings.  The Outing, Holiday Memory, A Child's Christmas in Wales, and The Followers are all published in a folded card cover of orange, and at the time cost 50p.  In Wolf,  we are adopting the same procedure, so that we can sell this book cheaply to all readers.

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000 Negra Arroyo Lane
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 00000.




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Friday: People work on Fridays now?
Saturday - Sunday: Best not to ask.